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Technical and Business Assistance (TABA)

As a third-party Technical and Business Assistance vendor for SBIR/STTR grants, Render offers services like market research, go-to-market strategy development, and more.

Most funding agencies participating in the SBIR/STTR program now offer Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) funding supplemental to your grant’s R&D budget.

About TABA

TABA funds can be used to pay third-party vendors like Render for services like market research, go-to-market strategy development, and commercialization support, which are essential for early-stage startups who may not otherwise have the resources to secure these services.

Why Render?
When you work with Render, you recruit our expertise and our networks to join your team.

Let’s build something great together.

We’re investors.

We’re also consultants.

Founders can benefit from an outside, market-informed approach to commercialization strategy. If you’ve ever wondered how an investor sees and evaluates your company, Render can help. 

  • Invest in your company 

  • Take equity in your company as payment for services

  • Take your money if we think it’s better spent elsewhere

What we don't do:
What we do:
  • Connect you to funders in our network

  • Help you de-risk your technology

  • Develop a compelling pitch that speaks to investors

  • Provide fractional C-suite advisory services

  • Advise on fundraising strategy, go to market strategy, customer discovery, and more.

Most people ask us about:
  • Maybe! Each funding agency has different guidelines for accessing TABA funds. Check your agency’s published guidelines, or consult your program officer for the latest information.

  • You must have an active award to access TABA funds. 

  • Check out our short TABA funding guide here for guidance on which services are eligible under TABA. Learn more about Navigating TABA Funding.

  • The best opportunity to request TABA funds is as a part of your SBIR/STTR proposal. If you have already submitted your proposal, check your agency’s guidelines for their policy on retroactive TABA funding. 

Check your funding agency’s TABA policies and talk to your program officer to better understand whether TABA funding is available to you.
Some agencies (the NIH, for example) allow active grantees to apply for TABA funds retroactively, however, the easiest pathway for accessing TABA funds is usually including a TABA line item in your proposal budget.
If you want to know more about TABA and how Render can help, send us an email! 
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